Matushri Kanbai Lalbai & Motibai Lohana Kanyashala & Balikagruh's

B.L. Amlani College of Commerce & Economics M.R. Nathwani College of Arts

(Linguistic Minority-Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
(NAAC Re-Accredited B+, Recognition of 2(f) under UGC Act 1956)

Dr. Jitendra Aherkar

Principal Message

Meet women all around, who are ready to reclaim their feminine leadership, stand in their authentic power, and offer their passionate service to others and to the world.

It was a refreshing change to be the head of a girl’s institution. The girls have their own angularities and it is a challenging task to let them know you are here to mould them into sensitive responsible human being, as assets to the society, coupled with all the degrees they gain in the institution.

In a world dominated by technology and gizmos sustaining student attention and interest is a daunting task that the educator is confronted with. Students with their latest version of mobiles and tablets have constant eye gaze below the table. They have to be convinced that their educator is well versed in the course of study and must take classroom time seriously. An Educator’s impressive curriculum vitae are not the only requirement but his capacity and skills to sustain class attention and participation. Regularity and punctuality to class is not easy to expect from students and has to be tactfully handled.

As you can feel it.... the more masculine power structures that have dominated our world for hundreds of years are shifting. We are starting to see and feel cracks in the tower and something new is being born, with women at the forefront......

We need to teach them it’s not enough to win but to create success on our own terms, in a radiantly feminine way. It’s up to us to write next chapter of history.

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